Employee interview

Monica Carlsson

Monica Carlsson works as an inside sales representative for OEM at Nomo's office in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Leif Leinefelt, our previous guest in this series, asks: How do you try to take your mind off work after a week in the office?
I usually go up to my summer house, take the boat out and go fishing, that's when I relax the most.

Describe your journey over the years at Nomo
I started in 1978 when the company was 30 years old and now Nomo is 75, so this summer I will have worked 45 years in the company. My journey started with a summer job and I continued as a clerk. I have worked in ordering, customer support and inside sales. Nomo had three offices in Sweden when I started, now we have 17 sites in the Nordic region, as well as logistics centres and sales offices in China.

What challenges have you faced?
An important reason why I stayed is that there are always new challenges. You are always learning something new, so no two days are the same. At the same time, it takes a long time to get to know our products, as we have a very wide range with many customer segments.

What do you appreciate most in your work?
Previously I worked with MRO, where I learnt a lot and gained valuable knowledge which has been of great benefit even with OEM customers. I appreciate being able to think cleverly, develop solutions and products based on different customer needs. When choosing ball bearings, it is important to consider temperature, speed, load rating and space in applications. We have good support from our technical department and suppliers.

What is your best memory from your years at Nomo?
I was away from the company for a few years and realised how much I had learned at Nomo.

What is the company’s best product?
Nomo has a wide range of products, the widest range in the Nordic region, all products are niched towards the best suppliers/manufacturers in the various product groups.

What are your personal strengths?
My focus is to always provide fast and good service with clear information about delivery time.

Do you have any hidden talents?
In my job, I am a bit "damaged", I have almost all the customer numbers memorised.

Who is your role model?
My dad was always honest, caring and encouraged me when I was growing up that you should believe in yourself and keep your own identity. My grandmother was also a role model for love and good food, which is where my interest in cooking and interior design was born.

What makes you happy?
My family being well and healthy. I have two grandchildren who also make me happy.

What do you do in your spare time?
I enjoy working out at the gym, cycling and love going for walks. Other interests are gardening and interior design, I like to do up my home. Travelling is also fun.

What is your favourite food?
I eat mainly organic food, lots of vegetables and fruit, and I have eliminated red meat. Chicken in different forms is good and we eat fish at least three times a week.

What is your best environmental tip for sustainable development?
It's important to shop smart and buy just the right amount of food, not more than you need. I am careful not to throw away food and of course we recycle.

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