Employee interview

Leif Leinefelt

Leif Leinefelt works at the Kemisten warehouse in Täby and has worked there for 30 years.

Jan Ledal our previous guest in this series, asks: What is your biggest dream for yourself?
Winning the lottery and being able to stop working.

When did you start at Nomo?
I was hired on 1 April 1994, I have been employed for 30 years at Nomo. Initially, there was only the Gribbylund warehouse, but when we outgrew those premises, we also opened the Kemisten. That was about ten years ago.

What made you apply for a job at Nomo?
I was working as a caretaker and saw that Nomo was looking for people. I went for an interview on a Tuesday and was asked if I could start the following Monday, and so I did. At the time I thought it would only be a short period, but I'm still here!

What is your best memory from your years at Nomo?
One memory is that every time we got new machines for the warehouse, our then CEO "Larsa" always came down to see us. He wanted to try, for example, wrapping a pallet or banding cartons when we got new equipment.

What do you appreciate most in your work?
My colleagues make me feel very comfortable. Today, there are four of us, we are a close-knit group who always help each other and can joke about anything. My colleague Robban and I have over 55 years of combined experience in the warehouse.

What is the biggest challenge for you?
We serve special customers, these are OEM customers where we have to label all pallets and cartons with special labels.

What are your personal strengths?
That’s a question my colleagues should answer. I always try to do my best by picking the right number of items for customers and checking everything twice. I guess you could say that thoroughness is my strength.

How do you feel about being part of the Nomo team?
In the warehouse, we largely take care of ourselves and are a good team.

Do you have any hidden talents?
Difficult to answer, but I basically know where each item is located when I pick orders. In total, we stock a fairly large number of items.

What do you do in your spare time?
If I'm not watching football or hockey, I'm at home with my wife. I'm an AIK fan and also sit on the board of the supporter group Black Army, so that takes up a lot of my free time.

What is your favourite food?
I eat meat in all its forms.

What is your best environmental tip?
I return cans for recycling.

What is your favourite music to listen to?
Hard rock and especially Dead By April, DBA, from Gothenburg. I have a tattoo of the group.

What makes you happy?
It was when I became a father to my daughter and seeing AIK (my favorite football team) win!

Our next guest will be Monica Carlsson, what question would you like to ask her?
How do you try to take your mind off work after a week in the office?

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